2011年1月13日 星期四

Viber 族群打免費電話

在買 iPhone 之前就有人告訴我,iPhone 和 iPhone 之間可以打免費的電話,這個道理就如同使用 Skype 在網路上可以與世界各地的親友暢所欲言,甚至可以用視訊看到彼此的影像。重點就是必須利用電信公司所提供的 3G 及 Wi-Fi 網路服務。

我很早就下載 Viber 的應用程式,卻老是搞不清楚應該如何登入的正確方法,它指示我要輸入一個 Access 資料,說真的我不知道要輸入甚麼?這陣子使用了太多應用程式,每一個都要我的帳號及密碼,搞得我頭昏腦脹記不清楚,只好用 Word 建立一個資料庫,將各種應用程式的帳號及密碼登記起來隨時備用。

前天到逢甲大學找老師聊天,王大立老師用的是 iPhone 3G 的手機,我勸他要耐住性子不要衝動,等到三國歸一統的時候再決定要不要換機。他問我有沒有使用 Viber ?我說我無法打通登入,請您幫我看看。王老師有過經驗,英文能力又強,可以明白英文的正確指示。結果王老師先幫我輸入我的電話號碼,一下子就接到一通電話用英語指示數入四碼的通知,馬上就登入成功了。

登入之後, Viber 就列出我手機通訊錄上可以使用 Viber 通話的朋友名單,我有一千多筆電話號碼,只顯現出16 位的名單,我馬上就知道有哪一些人是使用 iPhone 的手機,同時懂得利用 Viber 的系統,這些人就是屬於可以互打免費電話的族群。

我一時興起,趕快撥打給一位久未聯絡的朋友,對方又驚訝又高興,閒聊了半天,充分利用高科技產品的優點。我自私的希望國外的親友最好也使用有 Viber 的 iPhone 手機。


Viber 免費打電話族群。

4 則留言:

  1. Hello,
    This is a member of the Viber Development Team!
    Excuse me, my Chinese is not so good, so I will write in English :)

    Thank you for your review of Viber. we are very happy that so many people worldwide are interested in our application.

    I would just like to add that Viber will soon be available also on other devices, and not only iPhone. the next one is Android, and it will happen in February-March.
    Also - Viber will have an SMS feature very soon (January-Febuary) - of course, also for free!

    If you have any question about Viber - please feel free to ask.

    Thank you,
    the Viber Team.

  2. cool!!!!!
    Dad you should also get me an iPhone as well!!!

  3. To Viber Development Team,

    It is a very good addon for iphone.
    However, I am wondering that can we make changes in Viber setups, for instance, to change ringtone.
    I am the person helping Mr. Ho to set up his iphone.

    D.L. Wang

  4. Hi,

    About the ringtone - it is a future feature that will be available in later Viber versions!

    I'm excited to announce that Viber 1.1 has just been released.
    This new version focuses on the addition of small new features, and mainly - bug fixes.
    For release notes and the full fix list, I invite you to visit Viber's AppStore page and download Viber 1.1

    In addition, I would like to draw your attention to our major updates in our Privacy Policy. We changed confusing clauses and made them much clearer, in accordance to users' feedback.
    We would like to thank you for that feedback in the past 2 months, that allowed us to improve and better our service noticeably.

    If you have any questions, don't hesistate to ask.

    Thank you,
    Viber Media.
